Okay now, I know what you're thinking. "Zach, why tease us with a new blog if you're not actually going to update it?" Yes, it's true, in the past I--like many millions of other bloggers--would occasionally lapse on updates. This time, however, it's not (entirely) my fault. You can blame Google. Or, at least, how they define and recognize potential spam blogs. Here's a snippet from an email I received like a day or two after my very first post:
Dear Blogger user,
This is a message from the Blogger team. Your blog, at http://beingmalcolmmclaren.blogspot.com/, has been identified as a potential spam blog...We will take a look at your blog and unlock it within four business days.
I filled out a quick spam-killing form-thing (you know, they show you a box of what look like drunk letters and you have to type them in the same order below the box) and waited a week to return to the blog. Anyway, that's the reason for my lack of action. So check back soon for updates!
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